Work Experience

  • 2014.5-2014.8, Machine Learning Group, Microsoft Research, Redmond.
  • 2013.5-2013.8, NLP Group, Google Research, Mountain View.
  • 2012.5-2012.8, eBay Research Labs, San Jose.
  • 2010.3-2010.5, Machine Learning Group, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing.
  • 2008.5-2008.9, Machine Learning Group, Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing.


  • Program Committee for ACL (2018,2017,2015,2014), NAACL (2018,2016,2015), EMNLP (2018,2017,2016,2014), AAAI (2018,2017,2015,2014), IJCAI(2018), COLING (2018,2016,2014), ACL-SRW (2016,2014), EACL (2016,2014), AKBC 2016, ACL SRW (2016,2014)
  • Co-chairs for NLP Applications of NLPCC 2018
  • Tutorial Co-Chair for EMNLP 2016

Teaching Experience

  • Co-Instructor for CMU 10-608 Conversational Machine Learning, Carnegie Mellon University, Spring 2018
  • Teaching Assistant for CS 4740 Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Cornell University, Spring 2012, 2014